February is Heart Health Month Message from Dr. Rovner Show Transcript Allah students and staff my name is Dr Bridget Rovner and I'm a pediatrician at the Molokai General Hospital outpatient clinic and I've been asked to talk to you just for a minute about getting up being more active um sitting less and being more intentional and intense with the activities that we do science has shown that when we're inactive when we're sitting too much we have a much higher risk of things like heart disease diabetes colon and lung cancers as well as leading to earlier death some of the benefits that we have um is that we can lower that risk of heart disease stroke diabetes our blood pressure can be better we can have a lower risk for dementia and Alzheimer's disease as well as several types of cancer um it can even lead to less complications with pregnancy but better sleep improves our ability to think it improves our ability to remember things and it improves our ability to think faster less weight gain obesity and um chronic health problems um are a benefit of being more active and as well as a fewer symptoms of things like depression and anxiety overall we just have a their quality of life and when we have a better quality of life we have a sense of being well overall so overall we end up with um the benefits of living longer healthier lives and being more happy so what are we waiting all right let's get moving